Tuesday, December 14, 2010

arrived at the show grounds 12/14/10

 Yesterday, Monday, was a light day for Bentley. We have to try to plan to have the horse ready to be his best on  the days of the competition, so we decided to make Monday a sort of day off. Since we cannot turnout or really even hand walk outside due to the ice, Meagan hand walked as usual and just gave him a light stretchy work under saddle. Today, Tuesday, Bentley had a hand walk first, then a normal workout in the early afternoon. He was a bit tight especially on one side of his back and was a little strong. But Meagan handled it well, understanding that this is the way he often is on the day after a day off. He expect him to be better tomorrow if only because it’s the second day after his day off. She had some super trot work though by the end. We leave for the Stadthalle about 6 PM tonight — it’s near- and will be allowed to work in the show arena tonight about 8. We plan to make that the stretchy work that we usually do in the AM. We want him to have his first time in the show ring a very relaxing ride.

We watched some of the regular riding here. The young horses work in groups. For example we watched one group of three – working almost nose to tail — the four year old was leading with two three year olds following. And they HAD to stay in line. When the last horse had a little bucking fit he was put instantly back in line again. They worked big circles and serpentines at trot and circles and straight lines at canter – nicely forward at all times, very consistently on the bit. There were other lovely young horses that the staff rode and we also watched Ann Katrin school several horses -- one of her older former competition mares, Wahajama, who is heavily in foal but obviously wanting to work. Of course for me the most fun was watching her school two ponies :-) Nothing like watching an Olympic gold medalist riding ponies!

Today is well below freezing — feels like it is on the 20’s — we had about 3/4 inch of snow last night and it has no intention of melting today.


The amazing truck from Schafhof took the three horses (Meagan, Canada and New Zealand’s) to The Stadthalle in Frankfort — about a 30 minute trip. The horses are in temporary stalls in the indoor parking area. After settling Bentley who travelled like a trooper, I took Meagan to the warm up arenas and the main arena. Her eyes went about as big as Mica’s did when we came a couple of years ago. The arena is beautifully decorated for Christmas with Santa’s holding up the letters, topiary rearing horses, bunting all over the walls and around the huge TV screens hanging from the ceiling. It is still impressive, even though I was here before.

Meagan brought Bentley out and hand walked him around — the only thing that bothered him was the vacuum at work in the hallway. She did a little stretchy trot and he was as calm as he could be — absolutely a star. We met Megan from Australia and Anna Kasprzak from Denmark — individual bronze medalist in the Kur at the European YR Champs!

I am now settled into the Hotel Hessischer Hof across the street from the Stadthalle, but it’s one of those situation where you can’t get there from here — have to drive all around. It will be faster to walk I think. It’s a fabulous hotel — heated towels even :-) It’s almost midnight and I have to be up before 5 to Meagan can school Bentley in the arena tomorrow before the show starts.

1 comment:

Marydell said...

Best of Luck to all of you there. Morning comes fast and it will still be pitch black outside. We are rooting for you!