Friday, February 22, 2008

While the snow comes down and we had to cancel clinics and schooling show today there are a few things I would like to share. First of all people often ask me if I miss riding. One of the things I miss is riding in the snow -- especially when it has been cold so that the show is light and fluffy. I think the horses love it; I got my first sense of suspension and even passage with my little western horse bouncing along at the trot.

But back to my world now. As one who would watch the super bowl for the ads I hope everyone has seen this year's Budweiser ad -- One of the things I have always said about my retirement (yeah, right) is that I want to look out on a pasture with Clydesdales in it. If you haven't seen it, here is the link:

I also want to share a comment from one my vets, Matt Eliott who is also an event rider. He wrote me a note from Florida where he is for the winter. I help him with his Dressage occasionally. He is such a terrific student and inspiring:

The dressage is essential to the rest of it and I spend hours at it !!! It is always challenging, requiring focus and yet, relaxation. There are so many components along the way to making it all happen..... discipline, determination, letting go and yet holding on....a collage of sorts...much like life!!

I remember almost every time I swing my leg over my dressage saddle, many of your "pearls of wisdom" ....."Offer, don't give!"......"The take means nothing without the release!"

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